Heather says:
Have you ever wished you could just ask quick household questions, without having to search through the archives? Well now you’ve got a chance. I’m partnering with Angela England, Founder of Untrained Housewife to start a weekly Twitter chat, #HomeChat. It will be, as the name implies a place to discuss all things home related: food, cleaning, organization, and household safety -you know how I keep telling you to not mix bleach and vinegar, to toss bulging cans, etc.
When will #HomeChat happen?
#Homechat will take place every Tuesday at 9pm EST -I have to make sure the minions are in bed. Each week we’ll be covering a different topic, so stop by, say hi and see what’s going on.
How do I Join #HomeChat?
I’m so glad you asked, if you have a Twitter account, it’s as simple as searching for the hashtag #HomeChat. Once more people start showing up, you may find it easier to use a tool like tweetgrid.com. Log in to your twitter account and set up a grid with two columns, one to search @replies of people talking to you. And the other to search the #HomeChat hashtag. You can definitely set your refresh rate as fast or slow as you want.
What Will The First #HomeChat Topic Be?
Resolutions for your home, in the new year. You’re shocked, I know, just breathe deep, it will pass. Are you going to try to stay out of the drive through? Replace your Starbucks habit with a cup of joe from home? Will you try to find your dining room table under the mail and projects? Maybe, just maybe you’ll try to see what color the tile grout actually was? Maybe you just want to set up a chore routine that fits your life. This week’s #HomeChat isn’t just about announcing our goals, it’s about finding real, workable solutions to achieve those goals.
I look forward to chatting with you on Tuesday evening. (Don’t worry, I’ll be using my @heathersolos Twitter account. The @homeec101 account is for automated post announcements only.)
Site Admin Saturday, Announcing #homechat is a post from: Home Ec 101 ©Home Ec 101.com 2007 - 2010