12:49 pm on Tuesday January 25, 2011
| Posted by stepaheadinc
Starting Seed and Transplants-Everything You Need to Know for Success-HHG Series Class
When: Saturday, Feb 19th, 2011, 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Location: Sea Island Savory Herbs Nursery
Address: 5920 Chisolm Rd. Johns Island, SC 29455 Map
Fee: 35.00
Help for the Home Gardener Series class
Instructors: Danielle Spier-Head Grower, Sea Island Savory Herbs and Jim Martin, Gardener and Horticulturalist, Charleston Parks Conservancy
Class will cover:
- What you need to get started.
- Where to grow your seeds.
- Where to find the seed.
- Growing conditions.
- Hardening them off for the outdoors.
- Keeping diseases and pest away from your growing plants.
- Transferring them to the garden.
This class will be both presentation and demonstration. Plan for a successful vegetable garden with this basic how-to course.
Questions regarding online registration please contact Liles Eanes at (843) 724-5003 or leanes@charlestonparksconservancy.org.
Class sizes are limited and registration is not complete without class payment.
Register online: www.charlestonparksconservancy.org