It’s been mighty cold in Charleston, SC the past few days. This morning we had a low of 27 and the high will be around 44. Same thing yesterday. Our normal high this time of year is 64, with a low of 40. To cope with the cold, we compiled a fun Top 10 list.
You Know It’s Cold in Charleston When…
10.Icicles are hanging from the Spanish Moss
9. Oysters are begging to be roasted
8. Governor Sanford goes to Argentina to warm up with an old flame
7. Visitors from Michigan actually put on a sweater
6. Vendors at The Market start weaving sweetgrass mittens
5. Our cobblestone streets have goose bumps
4. Egrets are dining on frozen fish
3. Rep. Joe Wilson looks at his backyard thermometer and yells, “You lie!”
2. Mayor Riley is sporting a seersucker snuggie
1. We can’t get our peanuts to boil