Image by Ken Hawkins/TheDigitelImage by 20081208-memminger.jpg Memminger Elementary could be demolished and enlarged.
Three proposals have arrived on how the Charleston County School District could save some cash by closing and consolidating schools.
Hop over to the Charleston City Paper for the three options (they're at the bottom). NBC News 2 has a good overview and the community's reaction at the meeting.
Some big changes for sure, you can make your two cents heard by attending one of the school district's public meetings.
Update December 9: The Post and Courier has a lengthy breakdown on the proposed options, but what struck me the most was this paragraph explaining why the school district is heading this way:
The district faces a potential $20 million shortfall for next school year, and without consolidating schools, it may have to eliminate programs, services or more employees. Restructuring could result in $8 million in savings for one year.
But, as with the City Paper, the proposed options are at the bottom of their article.