Image by Flickr user jpmueller99 Image by 20090426-csw.jpg Two years ago everyone seemed to care less about rail, but that tune's changed now that gas prices have scared and Charleston has seen a dip in business for poor interconnectivity.
The Charleston Regional Business Journal has issued a special report over rising tensions about the future of rail access to a new port being constructed on the upper peninsula.
Read more stories on this subject in our port topic page.In part:
... The offer illustrates just how far lawmakers are willing to go to ensure that both CSX and Norfolk Southern have equal near-dock rail access to the new North Charleston port terminal under construction on the former Navy base.
CSX has access to the base from the southern end, but the railroad company has no plans of sharing with chief rival Norfolk Southern.
Those pushing for a compromise say a solution is vital to the well-being of the Port of Charleston and the economic health of the entire state.
And, so, it looks like lawsuits could well be in the future of North Charleston if no one can get CSX to agree to a rail-sharing deal.
The Business Journal's report does a great job at putting it all in perspective. Go take a read.