We check out Guerrilla Cuisine's taste tripping 'miracle' meal

Image by Geoff Marshall/TheDigitelImage by gc.jpg

Jimi Hatt is well known in Charleston -- but what isn't well known is the location of his once-a-month Guerrilla Cuisine dining experiences which always have a unique twist to them.

Read more videos from us on our video topic page.On Sunday, the March event took place in a photo studio in West Ashley, where those who had signed up early enough on the Web site (they events always sell out) got to try a product that reverses the senses of your taste buds! It makes bitter foods taste sweet, and sweets foods taste bitter.

And, no, they weren't popping some illicit drug, but the legendary African "Miracle Fruit."

More specifically, they had Miracle Fruit Tablets a 100% legal, safe product.

But, check out the Web site to see how it went. And check out the Guerrilla Cuisine website for information about forthcoming events.