Pink in the Park Returns to Field on August 3rd, 2014. Pink in the Park supports the Mary Kay Foundation for cancer research aimed at cancer affecting women. A goal is set for 200 tickets to be donated to local families with special needs family members.
The pre-game entertainment begins at 5:00 pm including a Pink photo booth, hair stations, 50/50 tickets and a special area to honor survivors and remember those that lost their battle. There will also be a silent auction with pink autographed Pelicans swag including the pink bases used on the field during the game the night of the event. Each base will be signed by the team. Fireworks will be held after the game.
Tickets can be purchased for $11.00 online. Even if you cannot attend the event, you can purchase a ticket donation for a local family to use at the game. It is a great way to support a national effort and our local community!
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