The City of North Charleston’s Cultural Arts Department is pleased to announce that the North Charleston City Gallery will host the second annual Redux Contemporary Art Center Studio Artists Exhibition throughout the month of October. The public is invited to attend a free reception at the gallery hosted by the participating artists on Thursday, October 3, from 5pm-7pm.
The group exhibition will feature an array of paintings, prints and mixed media pieces by artists currently participating in the studio program at Redux Contemporary Art Center in downtown Charleston. The program offers emerging and mid-career artists full access to professional artist studios in an effort to grow and expand the contemporary art community in the area. Alizey Kahn, India McElroy, Paula McInerny, and Lulie Wallace are among the studio artists who are highlighted in the second annual exhibit. “We are grateful to have this opportunity to partner with the City of North Charleston and reach new audiences,” says Stacy Huggins, Executive Director of Redux. “The diverse collection of works on display is a wonderful representation of the artistic innovation and creativity being fostered through Redux’s studio program and we are excited to open up a dialogue between their artists and audiences in the North Area,” adds AnneTrabue W. Nelson, Arts Coordinator for the Cultural Arts Department.
The Second Annual Redux Contemporary Art Center Studio Artists Exhibition will be on display at the North Charleston City Gallery from October 1-31, 2013. The gallery space is situated in the common areas of the Charleston Area Convention Center, located at 5001 Coliseum Drive in North Charleston. Parking and admission are free during regular Convention Center operating hours, 9:00am – 5:00pm daily. The gallery is staffed on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday only. Inquiries regarding the artists or purchase information may be directed to the North Charleston Cultural Arts Department at (843) 740-5854. For information on additional exhibits, programs, and events, offered by the department, visit the Cultural Arts section of the City’s website at http://bit.ly/culturalarts. For more information about Redux Contemporary Art Center, visit reduxstudios.org.
About the Artists
Alizey Khan received her BA in Studio Art and Arts Management from the College of Charleston in December 2012. Through her astronomical paintings and prints, she strives to study the visual properties of light, color and depth in outer space. Alizey’s paintings were selected for the College of Charleston’s Young Contemporaries juried show in 2010, 2012 and 2013, as well as the Reorientation 5 juried exhibition at Redux in 2012. She presented her first solo show, Interspatial: Astronomical Artwork, at the Saul Alexander Gallery in the Charleston County Public Library in July 2013. Alizey is currently the Membership and Media Coordinator at Redux and began teaching Resin Painting classes there in July 2013. She is currently preparing for her second solo show at the Coastal Community Foundation, which will be on display from mid-October through January of next year.
India Dunnington McElroy is an aspiring artist born and raised in Charlotte, North Carolina. She attended the Savannah College of Art and Design, where she received her BFA in Fibers, Fine Art in 2010. She has recently moved to Charleston, where she spends most of her time in her studio at Redux exploring the possibilities of paint and other materials.
Paula McInerny is a native of Atlanta, Georgia. Her formal education includes the University of Georgia, Grenoble University in France, and Georgia State University. With over twenty years of experience as a professional portrait photographer, Paula found her interest extended to oil painting where she discovered more freedom of expression. Influenced by studies at the Penland School in North Carolina as well as the Savannah College of Art and Design, Paula now paints predominantly with a palette knife. She loves the textured quality that is best achieved using this technique. Her paintings have won several awards at various shows.
Lulie Wallace studied art at the College of Charleston earning her BFA in Painting. Referencing the rustic landscapes of her native Columbus, Georgia, and the bright colors of her home in Charleston, Lulie’s palate has matured into a distinct style that brings out the life of her subject matter. Evolving from an ongoing experiment with colors, her expressionist approach captures the texture of materials through a study of light and shadow.