Beaufort looks to change up free holiday parking recipe (Updated: Tweaked)

Remember when Bay Street had these?

Update November 16: The recipe has been officially tweaked and while two-hour free parking will remain, the bagging will go, allowing those that wish to pay to park longer than two hours.

Update November 9: Ahead of a Thanksgiving start date, leaders are continuing to debate this year's recipe.

The current flavor would be two hours of free parking anywhere downtown — and there's also talk of how more parking spots could be added to off-Bay streets. 

Head on over to The Island Packet for the latest.

First reporting: With every holiday shopping season, downtown merchants look forward to the influx of customers — and await the annual debate about how the two-hour free parking should be adjusted.

This year's recipe seems to want to keep the baby and bathwater but change some of the spices — like allowing folks to pay to stay longer than two hours and shortening the free parking season.

I'll shoot you to The Island Packet's report for what's up; take a read here.

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