4:29 am on Wednesday April 27, 2011
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Beaufort mourns passing of City Councilman Gary Fordham (update: funeral coverage)
Updated April 27: From what we understand it was a standing-room-only crowd at Carteret Street United Methodist Church on Tuesday to honor and celebrate the life of Beaufort City Councilman Gary Fordham, who passed away Friday night.
Head on over to The Island Packet for full coverage of the funeral.
Reported April 24: Beaufort City Councilman Gary Fordham, who battled multiple sclerosis for almost two decades, died Friday night in his home.
Fordham served on city council since 1999 and served for 16 years on the Beaufort County Council. We'll send you straight over to The Island Packet for its full news obit on the longtime council member; read it here.
There will be a funeral service for Gary Fordham will be Tuesday, April 26, at 11 a.m. at the Carteret Street United Methodist Church.