A map of where to score some free Wi-Fi in Charleston

Image by Still image by güneş in wonderland Zoom in using the map controls or view the map bigger, if you like.

At 3 p.m. you get the urge to trek on down to Waterfront Park. And since you're a strong, independent American, you'll do what you please, when you please.

But at 3:30 it happens: Your friend calls you up and is just raving about this video of an old grandmother and her pet chihuahua that you have to see. 

But you've got no Wi-Fi! You've been crippled by the Internet gods! You can hear them ROFLTAO from here.

But it doesn't have to be so, not with this handy guide to Charleston's wireless hot spots. Just be sure to give it a glance before you head out on your mission.

And don't forget that this is an open Google map that anyone can edit and improve. If you're not that tech savvy, simply tip us off about any spots to add down below in the comments.

View the map bigger or edit it over here.

Update October 11, 2011: Free Wi-Fi has come to Goose Creek thanks to Google.
