Color Me Rad: The most colorful 5K ever is coming to Charleston

Image by Flickr user jronaldlee

There's yet another unique organized run coming to town - the Color Me Rad 5K - and this event is truly guaranteed to brighten your day (and clothes and hair).

So here's the deal:

Start out as clean as a newborn babe, and throughout the run, you'll coat your chaffing thighs with Color Bombs of blue, green, pink, purple, and yellow until your face, shirt, and body come out silkscreened like a tie-dyed hippy on the other side.

Each section of the run adds a new explosion of color to your clean, painter’s palate until you cross the finish line into a final blitzkrieg of color.

Need a visual? Check out this video:

Color Me Rad Charleston will be taking place at the Exchange Park at 10 a.m. on Saturday, March 23, 2013. The early registration price of $35 is available until January 11, 2012.