Contributing to TheDigitel's Open Community is now easier than ever

TheDigitel Myrtle Beach boasts an "open community" making our site not only a news source, but also an opportunity for our readers to contribute. 

Digitel friend and HGTC professor business, Dean Blumberg has created a "how-to" video for posting an Open Community submission to TheDigitel Myrtle Beach.  He walks you through the full process, from creating an account to publishing a story. 

So now that you know how, let me tell you why.  TheDigitel Myrtle Beach's Open Community allows you to tell everyone in the Grand Strand about your business, efforts, opinions, and insights with the click of a button.  The only question we ask you to answer is "Why is this important to the Grand Strand now?"

How does it benefit you?  It's free promotion.  This opportunity is open to everyone, so why not capitalize?  You need not be the best writer.  Each submission comes through our Editors for review.  If you include some good, basic details, we can work with that.  Add a photo and we're thrilled.  We've got a style guide that will help you work with our format.  Have a look at it here.

How does it benefit us?  We can't be everywhere at all times.  Your contribution adds new ideas and information.  Your voice is uniquely yours, and we appreciate the variety it brings to TheDigitel.  We're here to benefit the community and welcome you and anyone else who wants in on that.

Now that you're armed with the details, create an account and get posting

If you have questions, we're here to answer them at