Update: South Carolina has opted out.
Following the Supreme Court ruling that largely upheld the Affordable Health Care Act, South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley has announced that she will push to not expanding Medicaid or participate in any health exchanges.
"South Carolina will NOT expand Medicaid, or participate in any health exchanges. We will not support Pres. Obama's tax increase or job killing agenda. I WILL do everything I can to get Mitt Romney elected and work to strengthen our Senate so that we can repeal this unAmerican policy aimed at moving our country in the wrong direction."
Haley joins other Republican Governors in her stance. Florida Governor, Rick Scott also stated that he, "will not implement two provisions of the U.S. healthcare law involving an expansion of Medicaid for the poor and creation of a private insurance exchange". S.C. and Florida joins Wisconsin and Louisiana in rejecting two provisions last week.
What say you loyal Digitel readers? Join in the debate on our Myrtle Beach sister site.
We do still have time for a vote on the matter since the reform won't fully kick in until 2014.
For more background on the implementation of the health care act in South Carolina, check out an overview at The Herald.