Berkeley may tap trash's methane

Berkeley's landfill is building up with methane, and a proposal may make the county a few dollars by tapping and selling the smelly gas.

The idea goes like this: The county pays for the facilities to tap the gas and any money made from the selling of it would go to the county's coffers.

Some council members are excited about the idea; the Summerville Journal Scene reports:
[Councilman] Schurlknight would like to see the profits from any future sale of methane gas directly benefit the taxpayers of Berkeley County.

“The taxpayers need to see something tangible,” Schurlknight said. “What I’d like to see from the money generated … is some kind of auditorium, like the North Charleston Coliseum. We would fund it green and build it green.”

The auditorium/coliseum idea according Schurlknight would provide a quality venue in Berkeley County for concerts, graduations, and civic events.

Where the facility would be located is still a twinkle in the council’s eye, but Schurlknight has one of those kill-two-birds-with-one-stone thoughts.

“While there are many quality sites around Berkeley County, a good site would be Cypress Gardens,” he said. “We’d build it green. It would be a great addition to an already great venue, plus it might help generate much needed revenue out there.”

The project could happen in the near-to-mid future.

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